Capital Credits

Capital Credits

Dear Ozark Border Member,

      Good news! We have returned over $27 million dollars in Capital Credits to our members since 1996, and this year we are again pleased to announce the board of directors voted to return capital credits in the amount of $1,100,000 to cooperative members. This refund will be for 100% of capital credits earned in 1994, and 2% of all years from 1995 through 2023. We will apply the capital credits to the June 2024 electric bills for members with active accounts. This method of returning capital credits was chosen to save the cost of writing and mailing checks. If a member does not have an active account, then a check will be written. Be sure to check your June 2024 electric bill for the credit. One of the advantages of being a member of an electric cooperative is that, unlike a municipal or private utility, you are both a consumer and an owner. As a consumer you share in the quality of service and in lower rates. As an owner your investment is returned to you in the form of capital credits every year the cooperative has revenues greater than expenses. Those “credits” are returned to members in proportion to the amount of electricity you used that year.

      Thank you for your patronage and we hope to continue to provide your electric needs for many decades to come. If you have any questions concerning the return or about capital credits in general, please call (573) 785-4631 or toll free 1-800-392-0567 and tell the receptionist you have a question about capital credits.


Your Board of Directors